Wednesday, September 30, 2020




Greetings, Dear Readers!

Have you ever noticed your energy level on rainy overcast days?  My eyelids are always a bit heavy.  My energy is low.  We seem to have a lot of days like this in Michigan! 

My afghan on the sofa becomes my best friend!  It's a "Soup and Story" day!  A good book or old movie keeps me company on such days!

I have a special series from my childhood that I still love to read.  Reading "The Long Winter" gave me my first realization that the written word could transform you to a different place and time. (You may have heard this story before, so forgive me if it's a repeat!)

I was sitting in my bedroom on the second floor of our house. No air conditioning in the Summer. I was reading "The Long Winter" and became chilled to the bone, right along with the girl in the story! I wrapped myself in a quilt and continued to read.  All at once my sister's voice pulled me back to reality.  "What's wrong with you?!" she exclaimed!  "It's 90 degrees in here!"  That's when I realized how powerful a story- and the imagination was, not only to the visual, but the physical as well!

Now back to today, with the chilly, rainy winds blowing and the sky an overcast grey.  I'll snuggle into my afghan, open a book, and be transported once again!

Happy Reading, Dear Readers!  A Bowl of homemade soup and a good story equals a good "Rainy Day" afternoon!

Until next time!  Hugs to All!

Sunday, September 27, 2020



             I have the heart of a Gypsy!  Be it planes, autos, or trains the sense of adventure calls!

            Mother Nature never disappoints!  

            Human nature is curious in its contrasts but often surprisingly gracious and kind!

            History tells lessons to be learned, with struggles and triumphs of those gone before, 

            And ALL with the backdrop of awe inspiring Beauty!

Thursday, September 24, 2020



       INSOMNIA!  Family familiar!  My biological Father would go for days without being able to sleep, I'm told!  And then on day 4 or 5 a family member would find him collapsed on the floor, sleeping like the dead!  

I have never needed a lot of sleep!  My mother would put us to bed at 7 p.m. in the Summer time, which was torture for me!  She said she wanted us to get 12 hours of sleep!  I think she probably just wanted a break! 

 I would lay in that bed and try to figure out how I could escape undetected! I knew I could crawl out the window. The bedroom was on the first floor!  But how do I get back in?!  So- I'd lay there listening to the kids playing outside and hating every minute of that "non sleep" time!

In truth- most of my adult life aI went on 5 hours sleep a night!  Not that I didn't need more!  Flying career, children, home duties-- well, there didn't seem to be enough hours in the day!

In spite of my exhaustion there were times when I just couldn't sleep! My mind would be a whirl.  My body refused to rest!  I was always restless during the full of the moon!  But other times, like last night- it would just happen!  Both of my sons have the same condition!

Normally I just get up and do something!  The times I had to be somewhere early in the morning were the hardest!  I've meditated, listened to soothing music, exercised, and had a glass of wine. Nothing works!

So I wander into the wee hours, trying not to make noise for my neighbors! I watch the pre-dawn sky and listen to the birds waking up and calling for the Sun Rise!

And I realize how Blessed I am to have these quiet moments to myself, before I have to share my world with the noise of traffic and humanity!

Perhaps I need to look on "Insomnia" as a blessing-  a gift of a quiet World!

Until next time Dear Readers!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 I was feeling a bit down this morning!  For some reason I felt a bit mournful of the losses happening because of the Pandemic.   The questions about where we can go- what's available whirled in my brain! 

Are the Apple Orchards open?  Can we still get donuts and Cider?  What parks are still open?  Do you need to wear masks at the park if no one is around?  What about Halloween?

I stopped myself. Yes- there are losses. I long to hug my family- really HUG them!  I'd love to sit out at a cafe sipping coffee and watching the World go by without the hinderance and concern about the virus. I'd like to see people's faces!  Ha!

But we have a multitude of fun things available to us- and blessings this virus can't take away!  We have our Creativity!!  So make those Halloween pumpkins!

Nothing sooth's this Nature Lover's Soul as much as a drive through the country!  There's Beauty everywhere this time of year!  Mother Nature seems to be so forgiving of our Human tendency to take for granted the frailty of the Earth! 

                            Taken on a very misty morning!  Almost looks like a water color painting!

                                         And- of course, let's not forget Sunsets!

So- rather than to dwell on Pandemic losses, I choose to enjoy what this virus can't take away! And count my blessings for what I do have!

So that's my Morning Musings, Dear Reader!  Thank you for following along and being part of my journey!

            Until next time!  Look for the Beauty, the Positive, and know that this too shall pass!

Sunday, September 20, 2020


    As I watched the clouds turn a beautiful pink last night I was also mindful of the chill in the air.  Michigan is getting ready for Autumn!

   I have always felt a bit sad when Summer is over!  It's my favorite time of year!  And yet, I also anticipate the glory of color that soon will be part of the coming season!

          Reds, golds, rich greens intertwine with the browns- often leaving us in breathless awe!


So as I say "Farewell for now" to my Summer, I look with anticipation to Mother Natures fantastic display of artistic wonder!

Until next time, Dear Readers!  Especially at this time of Pandemic difficulties and National Disasters, let's look for Beauty where ever we can find it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



   Music has always been a part of my life.  I started playing stringed instruments at the age of 7. Later I added the piano, and in my late teens played a baritone ukulele in a folk singing group.  And I sang in choirs and groups. 

   The Viola was my instrument!  Along with the school orchestras I played in the North Iowa Symphony. In all, I averaged about 5 hours a day playing that instrument!

   Music can reflect our every emotion!  From Joy, Grief, Sadness, Love, and even Anger!

   The rhythm of a piece can get our foot to tapping, encourage us to sway, dance, even exercise!  

   Music connects us with our physical, emotional, and spiritual beings!

   As of late I haven't connected with those instruments that were such a part of my youth! As an adult other things took my time and attention!  

   Now I'm drawn back to not only listening to the music I love, but itching to again spend time expressing myself through music!  I have again begun to dance (in the privacy of my home), sing, though only to myself, and play the keyboard and baritone uke again!

   So- my first "Love"- the love of music that speaks to me in so many ways is to be my companion, my comfort, and my "Love" once more!

   Until next time, Dear Readers!  I encourage you to find the Music that Moves and Inspires you!

Monday, September 14, 2020



   This post will be a bit different than in the past!   Let's talk dreams!  I have read that dreams that are vivid in color and are remembered long after waking just may have a meaning or message to them! I even took a "Dream" class once which I found very interesting!  But not all dreams can be interpreted easily!

   Well- dear readers, I've got a strange one for you!!  Here goes! This one was from a few days ago!

   In my dream my son David and I are looking at a Flat to rent!  Only my son David was not the adult he is now.  He was about 12 or 13 years old! I remember two huge bedrooms and an old fashion kitchen with a deep farmers sink.  I don't remember seeing a living room!

   The landlord was showing us around.  In the dream I only saw him from the back as we went from room to room.  Then he showed us a huge room that looked to be a utility room!  But really large!  

   Right in the middle of the room was a bath tub!!  It was large- one of those old fashioned ones with feet. Directly above the tub was a large sky light!

   As David and I looked at the tub- sort of curious as to it's location in the room, the landlord proudly said how deep it was!  To show us the size of the tub he climbed in, sat down,  turned to us with a huge smile - opened his arms wide and said "What do you think!? Cool, eh?"   

It was Robert De Niro!!!!-----LOL!  WHAT!?

 I woke up!

   Robert De Niro????!!!  I''VE LOST MY MIND! Lol!

  Okay-- let's see.  Did I see him in a movie recently?  Nope.  Did I see big bath tubs with overhead sky lights lately?  Nope!   WHAT THE HECK!! LOL!!!

   So there you have it, Dear Readers!  I haven't a clue as to the meaning of this dream!  Perhaps it was the salami sandwich I had that night!  

Or the semi-isolation of this Pandemic is getting to my subconscious?? Who knows!   If you have any profound ideas on the subject, let me know! 

   ROBERT DE NIRO?????   HA!!  OH MY!

Saturday, September 12, 2020


 I once had an elderly friend relate a story to me that  I'll aways remember.  She told me that when she was young and had a family her son was a special needs child.  

As hard as she tried, she was always getting criticism from someone!  Sometimes it was professionals in the field of special needs children.  Since they didn't agree among themselves, no matter who's advice she took, someone else was harping at her. She became very despondent.

One day after session with one of these doctors she headed for a restaurant for coffee and lunch.  Her heart was breaking and she felt like just giving up!

The waitress came to get her order and must have realized the emotional state this woman was in!  She didn't try to console her with words.  She looked the despondent woman directly in the eyes and gave her a dazzling smile- a smile that seemed to say "You will be alright!  And I'm glad you are here!"   

Something shifted in my friend.  She felt lighter.  The waitress had imparted some sort of kindness to that woman- a sot of acknowledgement - all in a heart felt smile!

I hung on to that story, realizing that we may never know who we touch - who we impart a touch of hope, all by one act of kindness-  Something as simple as eye contact and a Heart Felt Smile!

Of course, a smile is hard to come by with this Pandemic and Mask requirements!  But there are many other ways to show kindness!

Until Next Time, Dear Readers!  Do One Simple Act Of Kindness Today!  You May Never Know The Impact That Kindness Will Have!    

 It Just May Be Profound!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


The other night  I woke to flashes of light in the night sky! Then slowly, as the flashes intensified there was a low gentle thunder- almost like a growl! A Storm was coming!!

I wrapped myself in an old terrycloth robe and headed for the balcony!  I Love Thunderstorms!  There is something beautiful and powerful about storms!  It's a power totally out of our control, sometimes fairly gently, sometimes furious- always awe inspiring! 

Little puffs of wind started up- just gentle puffs at first- giving way to ever increasing strength.

As the night sky continued to light up the distant "growl" of thunder became a large clap- and then a "Boom" that shook the sky! It seemed that Mother Nature was intent on waking all in a light and sound display of strength!

And then the rain came! Splashes at first- the a downpour- washing all in it's path in an intense shower!

Trees were swaying, my covered balcony plants were dancing in the wind and the air seemed to crackle with energy! It seemed Mother Nature was intent on giving my area a good washing down!

One final Flash and Clap of thunder, and the storm slowly rolled away- leaving behind a newly washed Earth!  

It was hard to fall back to sleep after that,  I felt a bit restless.  Mother Nature left behind some residue of energy!  

I stand in awe Mother Natures  Beauty, and sometimes Frightening Power!

In one word- HUMBLING!!

Until next time, Dear Readers!  

Monday, September 7, 2020



I think our bodies and souls are very much like plants!  

For a healthy thriving structure we need to:

-Give ourselves a solid foundation- as in learning and a firm moral compass to root ourselves in! 

-Provide ourselves with the proper nutrition to be strong and healthy.! 

-Add an adequate amount of water! 

-Choose an environment away from harsh negative emotions and elements!

-Keep poisonous toxins out of our lives, our soil, our environment, our bodies.

-Be gentle with ourselves!

That is a formula for healthy growth- for plants, animals, and yes- HUMANS!

We living beings all seem to need the same thing to stay strong and healthy!

We have not always treated our environment as we should- nor ourselves!

Time to think of our bodies, minds, and souls like a garden to be cherished and cared for!

(Just the thinking of a past middle age- not yet quite ancient - Nonna gardener !)

Until next time, Dear Readers!

Saturday, September 5, 2020



To God- whatever Power there be- 

I've lived during the Polio epidemic, and a time when antibiotics were "new".  I've  know the concern and even fear of catching a life altering illness. Those were difficult times growing up.  But this is the worst I've seen in my 74 years of life!

There are those who theorize this to be some cruel hoax! But this Pandemic is World Wide! Logic says there is NO power on Earth that could incorporate every Country on Earth to such a hoax!

 God!  The people of the World are hurting! Here in the United States people have gone through their  life savings and now face poverty! And the Virus is still "out there"!

God!  Be with the hand of the scientist that searches for a cure!  Be with the politicians who's policies hold our lives in their hands.  

And Please, God!  Be with the people! They need comfort and reassurance in the face of fear, frustration, hurt- and anger!  

All the Earthly "Powers that be" are helpless against this Virus!  It's changed our lives! The way we live, work, play, and interact with others.

Perhaps we got too accustom to our freedom!  I know I certainly took it for granted!  Did we forget to acknowledge our good fortune? To be Thankful?  I think so! Perhaps we all were like the child who got everything they wanted and valued it little!

Forgive us, God.  We certainly are humbled in the face of this Pandemic!  I pray we all are more grateful for our daily food, shelter, lives!

What we could use  God is a Miracle! I know there are big and small miracles happening every day. I think today we need a really miraculous Miracle!

I Thank You In Advance!

Friday, September 4, 2020




  I'm a "Baby Boomer". Meaning I was born shortly after the end of World War II   I've watched class mates and friends pass away- the down side of aging.  

There are little losses I've have along the way also.  Things I took for granted.  

I'm no longer jogging!  I watch my diet a little closer.   The dark hair has turned to a salt and pepper.  

There are wrinkles, crinkles, and cellulite I didn't have in my youth!  The beauty of youth has given way to old lady "cuteness", or so I'm told! Ha!  I could go on.  But I'd rather focus on the positive.

There ARE "Positives" to growing older!

I Love my independence!  My children are grown and busy with their own lives.  I'm a part of their lives, but no longer responsible for them.

I wake in the morning knowing I can CHOOSE what I want to do that day!  I'm retired!  I can walk around in PJ's- or do whatever I want to do that day!

I can pack a bag and head out on a road trip!  Spontaneously!  There's a  FREEDOM  that comes with age!  

And there's HUMOR! I laugh more!  I used to take myself rather seriously and now can laugh at myself.  I like myself more, accept my own quirks and foibles!  I accept the way God made me,  a super softy that cries easily.  

I'm probably more in tuned with Mother Nature than some.  I feel more at home "Outside" than "Inside".   (Thus the desire for warm weather)  I'm not a nester as much as I am a restless traveler. This is just me- and that's okay.  So, SELF ACCEPTANCE  and the peace that comes with that is also a plus of aging!

I accept the woman in the mirror.  "I'm awake, alive, alert, enthusiastic" as the song goes! Lol!  In a world  obsessed with the appearance of "youth",  I acknowledge that aging has it's own BEAUTY

And I put up with much less!  I no longer tolerate the ridiculous.  I acknowledge I can not save people from themselves!  So- "NO" has become a good word for me!  I also like the phrase "Knock it off!!" Ha! I'm so much better at setting boundaries! (Another plus of getting older! )

I realize now more than ever how precious each day is!  I savor the good things more. I take nothing for granted. That WISDOM has also come with aging, learning, and observing!

EACH DAY IS A GIFT!  Young or old or middle age, no one is assured of tomorrow! I look for the good, and look for the opportunity to DO GOOD!

Until next time, Dear Readers!  Enjoy Each Day! Don't be afraid of growing older! That in itself is a           GIFT!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Water! We humans are drawn to it! Sometimes it's soothing, with the lapping of the waves almost in tune with our heart beats! 

Sometimes it's exciting, as the Ocean waves crash against the shore!  And sometimes it's dangerous,  a force well beyond our control!

We walk the shores!  We fish, swim, sunbath, boat, and sail.  And absorb a bit of beauty along the way!  

Water is a part of our very being, some even say the source of our beginning!

There seems to be a harmony between  myself and Mother Nature when I'm near a body of water! It's as if I'm "Home" . There's almost an understanding how we, as Humans fit into the scheme of Life. 

We are Caretakers!  The water is our source of life, a necessity for all living things. And we are here not only to enjoy and consume, but to guard and protect! 

Let us all be mindful of the beauty, and power, as well as how fragile our Life Sources can be!

Thank You, Dear Readers for following along as I give way to my thoughts of Love for this beautiful Country and Planet we inhabit!  Until next time, Stay Safe, Stay Well,  And enjoy the beautiful World we all have inherited!


 From time to time I'm haunted by the difficulties I had in my past!   My anger for these events well in my chest, making me frustrated ...